There are 4 kinds of people in this world:
- People who talk
- People who act
- People who do
- People who think
Stay away from the first kind. These people are a waste of time! You need a few of types 2 & 4 and a lot of 3s (people who actually do the work!). You will however need a type 1, but not now. Type 1 people are good for sales, because they can "talk the talk", but seldom "walk the walk." Not too often, there comes the all encapsulated 2, 3 & 4 individual. We at Xuture call them nines (Type 2+3+4).
And, very rarely there comes an individual who is the perfect blend of all four types mentioned above. These are exceptional people and the kind we look for in an entrepreneur. We at Xuture call it the Perfect 10: Type 1+2+3+4 = 10
We agree that not everyone can be a Perfect 10. So if you are not, do not pretend to be one. Trust me, we can tell when you lie, fluff, dodge, concoct stories, inflate financial projections, "talk the talk" and not "walk the walk."
- Mr. Misra
Founder, Xuture LLC